Monday, October 31, 2011


 This spooky haunted house looks foreboding even in the daylight as the two gargoyles keep guard.

 These two glorious pumpkins will grace our doorsteps tonight.
Halloween is my favorite holiday, so please forgive me that I could not pick only one image to share. 

Happy Halloween from Bellingham Daily Photo!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Wedding Cake

My family and I were lucky enough to attend our friends' very intimate wedding cermony this weekend.  Beautiful fall colors did most of the decorating, though this cake added to the days festivities! Unfortunately, we had to leave before the cake was cut or I am sure I would also be telling you how yummy it was.

Congratulations Keith and Lucy!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Punch Bowl

It's getting to be time for Halloween Parties!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Over the River and Through the Woods

While on a hike, my two little munchkins took off running down the trail, crossed a foot bridge and reappeared across the ravine.  See you later girls!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Bokeh II

They say you need to repeat things in order to remember them, so this is the second sequel in
what is turning into knowledge week at Bellingham Daily Photo. Yesterday's post introduced me to the word "Bokeh".

Thanks Tracy for bringing a little more knowledge to Bellingham Daily Photo!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Teasel II

Last year I posted a similar picture of what I thought was thistle.  MB of Small City Scenes correctly pointed out that this is actually Teasel.  It's considered an invasive species and it seems to like disrupted areas like this empty lot in an industrial area of town.

Thanks MB for bringing a little knowledge to Bellingham Daily Photo!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Fairhaven looms in the distance as the rain holds off just long enough for an early afternoon walk on the Taylor Street Dock.  A few people were trying their hand at crabbing, though the crabs seemed to know better and were avoiding the pots. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Cascadia Mushrooms

Are those gigantic mushrooms or is that miniature shopping cart? Chanterelles mushrooms are displayed in a fun and whimsical fashion at the Bellingham Farmers Market.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

What I wake up to every day...

One nice thing about summer turning to fall is cutting down the overgrown wisteria and once again enjoying our lake view.

I am very excited to be joining Bellingham Daily Photo. I hope I can share a new perspective of our wonderful city.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Weekend Reflections: Aftermath

When the little hands and shouts have joy have all gone,
there's finally time to sit and reflect.

Tomorrow Bellingham Daily Photo will feature the first post by our newest contributor...
Welcome to Bellingham Daily Photo Lorelle!

Friday, October 21, 2011


Years ago, a car salesman drove me through the winding roads of Bayview Cemetery to demonstrate the handling abilities of a sports car both of us wanted me to have.  

The ride was exhilarating, but I couldn't shake the feeling we had disrespected the spirit of  the place.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Webs, Webs, Webs

Everyone is getting ready for's even in a cemetery!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Upside Down

She's always been happiest upside down.  When she was a baby and nothing else would soothe her, I'd walk around the house with her tucked upside down against my chest until the tears passed.  And still when I get home from work I'm often greeted with "Daddy! Daddy! Upside down?"

Monday, October 17, 2011

On a Trail Around the Pond...

the vine maples lean in for a closer look. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Happy trails to you...

...until we meet again.

It's not really goodbye goodbye. Still, I have so much going on I just can't keep up with it all. I don't want to give up running, school, writing, or family and friends, so I'm afraid it has to be Bellingham Daily Photo that goes. Luckily, Eli and my good friend Lorelle are working out a time-share arrangement with BDP, so they'll keep it going together. I'm excited to see the fresh ways they'll each look at Bellingham and share it with you. It's amazing how there's always something new to see just around the corner, and how everyone sees something different about our beautiful town. Thank you, Lorelle and Eli!

Although I can't keep up with a daily photo blog, I can't give up the blogging habit entirely (nor do I want to!). I'll just be over at what is my currently oft-neglected blog, lizziviggi and the life worth living, and I'll make sure it's not quite so neglected.

I hope to see you there, old friends.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wilson Library

Western Washington University's Wilson Library where I spent many long afternoons hunched a textbook trying to absorb the material.  And by "absorbing" I mean napping!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I'm ready for some fall about you?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Morning Run

We posted a running photo on Sunday, and a foggy photo on Monday... why not combine the two and post a foggy running photo today?

This was the mini race at the Whatcom Race for Education on Saturday, for kindergarten through second-grade only. I would never be tacky enough to brag about my kindergartner, who beat out quite a few older kids to come in second place, but... oh, who am I kidding? Of course I'm that tacky!

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Fog

I know fall is here when the fogs start rolling in.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Whatcom Race for Education

Over 200 participants ran the 5k Race for Education at Civic Field,
which raises money for kids in our community.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Leaves of Grass

I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey work of the stars.
--Walt Whitman

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rope-Walking at Taylor Dock

This enterprising young man and his friends strung a rope across a section of Taylor Dock and worked on their balancing act over the water last week. No one made it across while I was watching, but I think plunging into the bay was all part of the fun anyway.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Where Summer Feet Stepped

the ground flutters orange and yellow
the sweet, musky scent of finished lives
rising from the leaves

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Paddling at Pattle Point

Kayakers in front of the Pattle Point Trestle. The boulder in front of the trestle is actually a giant hunk of metal, leftover from Bellingham's cannery days.