Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Teasel II

Last year I posted a similar picture of what I thought was thistle.  MB of Small City Scenes correctly pointed out that this is actually Teasel.  It's considered an invasive species and it seems to like disrupted areas like this empty lot in an industrial area of town.

Thanks MB for bringing a little knowledge to Bellingham Daily Photo!


  1. Yes, thank you MB and BDP because I too would have called this thistle. Gorgeous shot whatever we may call it.

  2. This photo really caught my attention. Dramatic, no matter what it's called. Great control on the depth of field and sharpness!

  3. It has very nice bokeh!

  4. Thanks Tracy..It's a two 'fer Wednesday! I had to look this one up too:

    Bokeh "is the blur,or the aesthetic quality of the blur,in out-of-focus areas of an image, or "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light." -Wikipedia

    My head is busting with new knowledge!
