Thursday, March 8, 2012

Memory Walk

Each year since 1912, the graduating class at Western Washington University places a stone bearing the class year in "Memory Walk" with a time capsule buried below the stone.  Last month, the first capsule from 1912 was to be dug up and opened, but nothing could be found below the stone.  Several days later someone noticed the marker stone was lighter that it should be and found a tin box built into the stone marker. See the story in the Bellingham Herald HERE.


  1. What a fascinating tradition. I enjoyed the story. I guess we should learn from this and find a different material in which to place our time capsules in the future.

  2. Sounds very intriguing. I will follow the link now.

  3. We did things a little differently back then. .

  4. A curious and intriguing mystery!
