Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Gingerbread House Competition

There were so many amazing entries in this year's Port of Bellingham Gingerbread House Competition! There were some very clever entries, but I thought this one was just incredible. It's called "Chuckanut Dreamin'" by Jim Hildenbrand. I recommend clicking on the picture to enlarge it so you can check out the detail.


  1. Wow! That is amazing. It is hard to believe it is gingerbread. Jim Hildenbrand is a gingerbread wizard. The details are fantastic!

  2. How much time is invested is something like this? It's wonderfully detailed.

  3. My goodness; that is a project and a half. Very creative. I've never heard of gingerbread competitions until this year and now you're the second blogger who has posted about them. fact, the entries look good enough to eat!

    Thanks, Liz, for your very kind comment on Creative Confections!

    Hope you're doing well and rising early! :-)

  4. That is incredible! Much too pretty to eat!

  5. My kids love making gingerbread houses at Christmas, even in their 20s, but they stick to more traditional architecture.

  6. Astounding. Did you go home and try making one?

  7. that is one elaborate gingerbread house :)
