Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Love the Earth

A cyclist with an environmental message, as seen through my gas-guzzling van's dirty windshield. She loves the earth-- but I'm not sure how much she cares about herself, as she ignored the traffic and pushed right through Bellingham's busiest intersection against a red light! Luckily, she survived the harrowing experience and lived to spread her message again.


  1. Looks like a little crasy person holding a so very normal message. Why is it always like that?

  2. Irina asks such a good question.

  3. So true, guys. It's a message of uncommon sense.

  4. Yes, love the earth, but respect the traffic laws also. Glad she's still out there spreading the message. :)

  5. We have folk like that here in Sydney, and maybe the term "eccentric" is gentler than calling them crazy. They march by a different drum ... and yes, it may get them killed.
